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October 17, 2008


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Harvey Jackson

Hello ,
Just browsing through the website -requesting to please list in the Hab directory names like Geoff Jackson Harvey Jackson etc etc
Best Wishes .

Harvey Jackson

Please add into the directory names of habonim long-timers Geoff Jackson USA. - Harvey Jackson and wife Rachael Flink -Jackson in Kfar-hanassi.
Best wishes .

jake jacobson

In the Archive photos labelled BL1-NW-group-1960,
Identification of the chaverim:
From Left to right
Unknown, Jeff Packer, Sue Weldon or Whelan, Steve Noble, Sari Hertz, Charles Posner, Unknown, Wendy Kochman (Noble), Rayah Gertner. In front: Jane Robins

Combined effortsof "The bananas and toast gang" NW and South London Ken

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