Major Changes! After more than 10 years under the leadership of Aryeh Wolfin, the IBH committee is in the process of handing over to a younger generation. This is the reason for the lack of updates this past year. Full details will be posted shortly.
In the meantime the next edition of "Kol Bogrei Habonim" will be published shortly under the continuing guidance of the editorial committee led by Harold Hirsh with Linda Levine and Gerry Kelman.
Help! Is there anyone out there who would be interested in volunteering to be a Webmaster for this site. Most important qualification is ability to design and maintain the site. Editing and writing would be useful but not essential since others will help with content. If you are interested or know of someone who might be able to help please contact me. Frank Farbenbloom, at [email protected]
"Down Memory Lane" contributions. Thank you to all who submitted material for the 85th Anniversary Celebration(see below).They have been sent to the Iton Editorial Committee for consideration as well as saved at the archives at Yad Tabenkin. We plan to add many of these to the web site in coming months. Click here to read the first "My Aliya Story - Eder Farm Revisited".
"The party's over but the memory lingers on!" about describes a very enjoyable 85th celebration in Zichron Yaakov last November. About 110 chaverim heard Ambassador Michael Oren give some very insightful remarks about the current state of Israel- American relations.
This was followed by a trip down memory lane in the "This is who we were!” presentation. The focus was on our movement days – the Peleg/Ken, tiyulim, camps, veidot, hachsharot, Israel programs and more with emphasis on the period from the late 1940's through the 1960's.
The story was told in about 240 slides with dozens of photos. The interactive audience response stirred up many memories helping bring the images and memories alive.
In response to many requests we plan to have the entire presentation available on line shortly.
Your help is needed!! "This is Who We Were " was the special presentation prepared to mark the 85th Celebration. As noted above it was very successful. Now we want to continue it for the this web site. You can help by opening your memory banks!
We are seeking input with emphasis on the period from the early 1950's to the present day. The material can be in any form
- Pictures of Habonim Days – veidot, hachshara, camps, tiyulim and other happenings.
- Memories you can share about your time in the movement - Hachsharat Noar, the Habonim Institute, Israel Camp, the Hachsharot - David Eder, Reading or Bosham plus of course, your own local community.
- Does anyone have available a recording of the Habonim Choir? Would also like stories about the choir as well as other public celebrations where Habonim participated with others in their community.
- Habonim in Israel – the kibbutzim, Shannaties, Irbutz plus contributions made by individuals who were not part of the communal life. It doesn't have to be your own story, we want to know about ex-Habonim members you know about who did something outstanding that is not widely known (see next item).
- Names of Individual ex-Habonim who made outstanding contributions in any field, anywhere in the world. This covers politics, the arts, academia, medicine, the business world, entertainment and sports plus any other field.
If you've read this far, I think you get the idea. We want to put together a lasting memory of our days in Habonim and of the contribution made because young people and their madrichim made the effort to join together for a shared vision of the world.
Please send all contributions to me, Frank Farbenbloom, at [email protected]
Helping chaverim locate old friends is always very satisfying.
It's happened again just recently. That makes about twenty since we started this web site. We're always ready to help - just keep the queries coming. Details here
My parents were Zelda and Hotti (Otto) Harber. I have been told that they were amongst the founding members of Moshav Habonim; my brother and sister were both born there.
My parents are now both deceased. I want very much to send my son to Israel, and would really like for him to be able to spend some time at the Moshav. I am at a loss, however, how to go about setting this up.
Do you have any suggestions? Is there a telephone number that you know of for me to call someone there?
I so appreciate any ideas or thoughts you might have.
I so enjoyed your site, by the way. I shed a few tears and spent some very happy times remembering all of the stories they told me from those day.
Loving regards,
Danya Harber Geller
Posted by: Danya Harber | June 23, 2010 at 04:06 AM
Had another browse to update.
Find Photo Collection "Habonim 1950's Aryeh"
cannot be opened.
Has it been attacked by a virus?
Phil Moleman 1/5/2011
Posted by: Phil Moleman | May 02, 2011 at 01:18 AM