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« Memories from Moshav Habonim - Can u help? | Main

March 27, 2016


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Danya Harber


My parents were Zelda and Hotti (Otto) Harber. I have been told that they were amongst the founding members of Moshav Habonim; my brother and sister were both born there.

My parents are now both deceased. I want very much to send my son to Israel, and would really like for him to be able to spend some time at the Moshav. I am at a loss, however, how to go about setting this up.

Do you have any suggestions? Is there a telephone number that you know of for me to call someone there?

I so appreciate any ideas or thoughts you might have.

I so enjoyed your site, by the way. I shed a few tears and spent some very happy times remembering all of the stories they told me from those day.

Loving regards,

Danya Harber Geller

Phil Moleman

Had another browse to update.

Find Photo Collection "Habonim 1950's Aryeh"
cannot be opened.

Has it been attacked by a virus?


Phil Moleman 1/5/2011

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