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David Chester

To Frank Farbenbloom,

I believe you wish to contact me in connection with the history of Wellesley Aron. Please feel free to do so at [email protected]

Best wishes, David Chester.

Professor Shalom Paul

Could some one please give me the address or phone number of Dr. Cyril Sherer, now living in Israel and maybe in Jerusalem? An old freind wishes to renew contact with him.
Thank you very much.

Norman Abrahams

I am looking for Louis Williams, Myer Weiselman, Giora Schstrasnow

Stephen Dodge (Retired Air Force)

I am trying to contact my Mothers family and/or my cousins who I lost track of many years ago. My Mom came from Ireland during WWII and married my Dad. Her maiden name was Henneberry, Ieleen, she was from Ballyglossom, Piltown, County Kilkenny. I am trying to contact anyone that can give me contact info on Mary or Theresa Dugan. I lost contact with Mary about 20 years ago and would very much want to renew my contact with her. Any help anyone can give me on either family, I sure would appreciate it.

Debbie Larkham

Hi I am trying to locate my long lost friend Gali Franklin who use to live in the kibbutz. I last saw her in 2003 after which we lost contact. Would be good if I could find her again to find out how her life has been in the last 8 years.

frank farbenbloom

Debbie,We don't have a Gali Franklin listed in any of our lists. However I am sure that someone among our many members will know of her. So we'll circulate an email requesting information.

If we get some replies I will post it here. Check back in about ten days.

Aryeh Wolfin

My daughter Ofira is in touch with Gali, who lives in London. Ofira's mobile phone no in Israel is 052 4544698.

Aryeh Wolfin

Debbie Larkham

Hi Thank you so much. Would you be able to pass my details on to your daughter and ask her to give them to Gali please. I would be very grateful if you could. My email is [email protected].

Kind regards

Debbie Larkham


Would you happen to know the name and contact details for the Dr. At EXmouth batim or TInmouth batim 1936 1939. We think his name is ZVi Goldberg or Rosenberg? It is on behalf of my father Chaim Fox. Thanks Louise fox


I am trying to locate my fathers history..how it was agreed that he go to batim....anyone happen to know where the records for JEwish Board of Guardians can be found.....? Thanks Louise fox

Norman Abrahams

I now live at 55-6325 Metral Drive, Nanaimo, BC, Canada V9T 6P9

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