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David Harold Chester

The following explanation is from:
Adrian Andrusier
Zigmund Kvetch was one of the founder members of Habonim.He lived with his parents and 10 brothers in a one room flat in the Mile End Road. They had their own football team ..The Kvetch Eleven famed for beating Arsenal 15-nil in a 1931 friendly at the Balls Pond Road ground. Ziggy scored 10 of the goals dressed as a chassid and waving a rubber chicken.Always joking around Zigmund was the life and soul of the family.Every Friday night as the 13 of them gathered around the shabbes table Ziggy would chant the prayers in different accents and play tricks with the lokshen soup.He was a God send to the Fournier Street Habonim gedud at the Machzikei Adass shul ..interrupting the Talmud sessions with wit and charm including some very rude jokes. He became a legend at the camps in Epping Forest and Springfield Park Stamford Hill.Others began to copy him and called their sketches 'Zigs' to honour the founder of the immensely popular last evening of camp fun. Sadly Ziggy is no longer with us but his spirit lives on. RIP Kvetch the sketch !!

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