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Jeff Berman

Hi Tommy

Same surname ie not Burman. Could we be related? Any connection to Liverpool Bermans?



Frank Farbenbloom, Administrator.


Tommy probably doesn't monitor the blog. I'll send him an email directing him to this comment.

I cannot give out emails without permission. However, if you want, I can forward your email to him for direct answer.

Let me know

Tommy Berman

Hi Jeff,

Sorry but I'm not related to any Liverpool or Glasgow Bermans. My roots are in Bohemia, Austro-Hungarian Empire. I'm a graduate of the Czech Kindertransport.


Tommy B.

Geoff Bercovich

It's interesting that I'm not in contact with any ex-Habonim members except the Gavrons in Jerusalem, though some 15 ex-Machonics are still in contact with me, and I see half a dozen of them every time I visit the States.

Norman Abrahams

I was a member of Hurst Grange from 1948 to 1951 before going on Aliyah in March 1951 to Kibbutz Beth Ha'Emek. I don't know if I ever met Tommy, but his experiences at the Reading hachshara are very familiar - I vividly remember The Asefot - whose feet smelled, etc. I as a non-smoker had the critical job of dishing out the friday ration iof cigarettes, On Thursday evening the desperate oneswere raiding ashtrays & begging me for "an advance " What power I wielded.
Well, I spent 1951 to 1958 in Bet Ha'Emek, then Haifa, then England,became a C.A. (Accountant) & ended up in Canada - now in B.C.

frank farbenbloom


Thanks for your update. I will post a note about it in our next Newsletter and add your name to our roster of Bogrei Habonim.


Sam Maslin

do you remember Sam Maslin from Dublin, your long lost cousin. I spoke to you from Manchester a few years ago. I have now made aliyah and would very much like to meet up.

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